Mend Pet

Mend Pet

45 yd range
10 sec cast (Channeled)10 sec cooldown
Requires Hunter

Heals your pet for 50% of its total health over 10 sec.

Wilderness Medicine:
Heals your pet for 50% of its total health over 10 sec.

Each time Mend Pet heals your pet, it has a 25% chance to dispel a harmful magic effect from your pet.


Mend Pet

Heals 10% of the pet's health every 2 sec.

Wilderness Medicine:
Heals 10% of the pet's health every 2 sec.
Each time Mend Pet heals your pet, you have a 25% chance to dispel a harmful magic effect from your pet.

10 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameMend Pet
SchoolsNatureDamage TypeMagic
Global Cooldown1.5 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
TargetUnit, Source location, SelfClassHunter
Skill LineHunter
  • Cannot critically hit
  • Cannot critically hit
Effect #1

Mod Total Health Regen

Amount: +10%every 2 sec