Curious Collections

Curious Collections | 5 Points |
Progress on this achievement is shared account wide.
Discover 5 hidden treasures of Zereth Mortis.
- Library Vault
- Submerged Chest
- Damaged Jiro Stash
- Template Archive
- Forgotten Proto-Vault
- Symphonic Vault
- Mawsworn Cache
- Stolen Relic
- Fallen Vault
- Gnawed Valise
- Domination Cache
- Filched Artifact
- Architect's Reserve
- Crushed Supply Crate
- Overgrown Protofruit
- Mistaken Ovoid
- Drowned Broker Supplies
- Offering to the First Ones
- Protomineral Extractor
- Pilfered Curio
- Stolen Scroll
- Grateful Boon
- Protoflora Harvester
- Syntactic Vault
- Ripened Protopear
- Undulating Foliage
- Bushel of Progenitor Produce