No More Tears

No More Tears | 10 Points |
Defeat Immerseus after killing 10 Tears of the Vale in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
No More Tears | 10 Points |
Defeat Immerseus after killing 10 Tears of the Vale in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.
If you manage to keep the corrupted blobs away from Immerseus’ pool while he’s submerged for the entire phase, they will turn into Tears of the Vale.
The way to do this achievement is to have particular people in the raid responsible for chain CCing the blobs for the full 30 second submerge, using roots, snares, stuns and knockbacks (and deathgrip). As soon as the boss reappears and the blobs transform into Tears, the raid needs to quickly nuke them.
It is recommended that DPSers unequip their cloaks for this fight because the procs will kill the blobs they are working on.
You can do this across multiple phases, so be careful not to kill the boss until you’ve gotten all ten down.