They Really Love Me!

They Really Love Me! | 10 Points |
Have 50 Love Rays active on you simultaneously.
Reward: True Love Prism
They Really Love Me!
They Really Love Me! | 10 Points |
Have 50 Love Rays active on you simultaneously.
Reward: True Love Prism
They Really Love Me!
This is accurate. What is even worse is that Blizzard hotfixed
Manufactured Love Prism to increase the cool-down to 60 seconds, up from 30 seconds! (¬_¬)
I'm not going within a mile of this achievement until it is redesigned. At least players can take comfort in the fact that the achievement chain is not a requisite of the meta-achievement for Love is in the Air.
"They Really Love Me" is no
School of Hard Knocks (in that it doesn't actually break any gameplay), but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang it comes a very close second in being the most despised achievement.
Edit: Hopefully it will stop redirecting to a PTR link.
So here is demo video of this achievement:
Manufactured Love Prism (Because prism has 1 min cd now and
Love Ray will drop after 10 secs) 1 person is target and 7 other will use prism. 6 is way too risky...
You will need 8+ players with
Can get
Manufactured Love Prism from Lovely Merchant for 40
Love Token
True Love Prism in 6.1.
True Love Prism will also give
Love Ray buff but this toy has 5 min cd, so it is kinda useless