True Love Prism

- True Love Prism
- Item Level 1
- Toy
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Use: Focus the prism on a target, lighting them up with adoration.
- (5 min cooldown)
- "The love within this object is limitless."
World Event: Love is in the Air
World Event: Love is in the Air
Manufactured Love Prism (Because prism has 1 min cd now and
Love Ray will drop after 10 secs) 1 person is target and 7 other will use prism. 6 is way too risky...
You will need 8+ players with
Can get
Manufactured Love Prism from Lovely Merchant for 40
Love Token
True Love Prism in 6.1.
True Love Prism will also give
Love Ray buff but this toy has 5 min cd, so it is kinda useless