Underlight Angler
- Underlight Angler
- Item Level 10
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Profession Tool
- Equip: |cnGRAY_FONT_COLOR: Grants the Undercurrent ability, allowing you to instantly teleport to the nearest Legion fishing node within 100 yards.|R
- Equip: +15 Fishing Skill.
- Grants: Teleport to the nearest fishing node.
- Sell Price: 1 92 5
- Cannot be destroyed.
Acquiring the Underlight Angler requires being level 110, Legion fishing level 800 and having completed the achievement Bigger Fish to Fry, as well as a short series of quests started by a special quest item.
The quest chain starts after the above criteria have been met and an item - Luminous Pearl - is fished up from any pool of fish in the Broken Isles. It will not drop from open water fishing.
The pearl gives the quest, Luminous Pearl.
Some notable mentions:
- You do not need to be level 110 to complete the achievement, nor do you need to be fishing level 800. These steps can be completed while leveling. Only fishing up the Pearl requires being 110.