In honor of Zepp-Drak'Tharon, who was steadfast in pleading with Blizzard to buff his favorite battle pet, Peddlefeet. A running joke in the forum thread is that Blizzard would misinterpret the meaning of "buff," or otherwise misread his post ("OMW to fluff Littlebeet"). Source: - "Zepp's Guide to Buffing Peddlefeet"
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In honor of Zepp-Drak'Tharon, who was steadfast in pleading with Blizzard to buff his favorite battle pet,
Peddlefeet. A running joke in the forum thread is that Blizzard would misinterpret the meaning of "buff," or otherwise misread his post ("OMW to fluff Littlebeet"). Source: - "Zepp's Guide to Buffing Peddlefeet"