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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Bone-Wrought Coffer of the Damned
5640 Other
Coffer of Twin Faiths
5640 Other
Deepwood Ranger's Quiver
5640 Other
Demonslayer's Soul-Sealed Satchel
5640 Other
Giant Elemental's Closed Stone Fist
5640 Other
Hand-Carved Jade Puzzle Box
5640 Other
Hollow Skeleton Key
5640 Other
Light-Bound Reliquary
5640 Other
Living Root-Bound Cache
5640 Other
Pocket Keystone to Abandoned World
5640 Other
Purified Titan Essence
5645 Other
Spell-Secured Pocket of Infinite Depths
5640 Other
Stalwart Champion's War Chest
5640 Other
Acherus Drapes
5040Back Back
Achor, the Eternal Hunger
5040Chest Leather
Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe
5040Wrists Plate
Aggramar's Stride
5040Feet Plate
Ailuro Pouncers
5040Feet Leather
Akainu's Absolute Justice
5040Wrists Mail
Al'Akir's Acrimony
5040Wrists Mail
Al'maiesh, the Cord of Hope
5040Waist Cloth
Alythess's Pyrogenics
5040Finger Finger
Aman'Thul's Vision
5045Trinket Trinket
Aman'Thul's Wisdom
5040Shoulders Leather
Anger of the Half-Giants
5040Finger Finger
Anund's Seared Shackles
5040Wrists Cloth
Anvil-Hardened Wristwraps
5040Wrists Leather
Ararat's Bloodmirror
5040Legs Plate
Archavon's Heavy Hand
5040Hands Plate
Archimonde's Hatred Reborn
5040Trinket Trinket
Ashes to Dust
5040Shoulders Plate
Ayala's Stone Heart
5040Finger Finger
Behemoth Headdress
5040Head Leather
Belo'vir's Final Stand
5040Chest Cloth
Breastplate of the Golden Val'kyr
5040Chest Plate
Butcher's Bone Apron
5040Chest Mail
Call of the Wild
5040Wrists Mail
Ceann-Ar Charger
5040Head Plate
Celerity of the Windrunners
5040Back Back
Celumbra, the Night's Dichotomy
5040Shoulders Cloth
Cenedril, Reflector of Hatred
5040Back Back
Chain of Thrayn
5040Waist Plate
Chameleon Song
5040Head Leather
Chaos Theory
5040Back Back
Chatoyant Signet
5040Finger Finger
Cinidaria, the Symbiote
5040Waist Leather
Cloak of Fel Flames
5040Back Back
Cold Heart
5040Chest Plate
Consort's Cold Core
5040Legs Plate
Contained Infernal Core
5040Shoulders Cloth
Cord of Infinity
5040Waist Cloth
Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon
5040Waist Cloth
Darckli's Dragonfire Diadem
5040Head Cloth
Death March
5040Head Plate
Delusions of Grandeur
5040Shoulders Leather
Denial of the Half-Giants
5040Wrists Leather
Destiny Driver
5040Chest Plate
Doorway to Nowhere
5040Back Back
Draugr, Girdle of the Everlasting King
5040Waist Plate
Drinking Horn Cover
5040Wrists Leather
Dual Determination
5040Finger Finger
Duskwalker's Footpads
5040Feet Leather
Echoes of the Great Sundering
5040Shoulders Mail
Edraith, Bonds of Aglaya
5040Wrists Leather
Ei'thas, Lunar Glides of Eramas
5040Feet Leather
Ekowraith, Creator of Worlds
5040Chest Leather
Elemental Rebalancers
5040Feet Mail
Elize's Everlasting Encasement
5040Legs Leather
Emalon's Charged Core
5040Chest Mail
Entrancing Trousers of An'juna
5040Legs Cloth
Essence of Infusion
5040Feet Leather
Estel, Dejahna's Inspiration
5040Chest Cloth
Eye of Collidus the Warp-Watcher
5040Finger Finger
Eye of the Twisting Nether
5040Finger Finger
Feretory of Souls
5040Waist Cloth
Fiery Red Maimers
5040Legs Leather
Fire in the Deep
5040Chest Mail
Firestone Walkers
5040Feet Leather
Focuser of Jonat, the Elder
5040Finger Finger
Fragment of the Betrayer's Prison
5040Finger Finger
Frizzo's Fingertrap
5040Finger Finger
Fundamental Observation
5040Head Leather
Fury of Nature
5040Back Back
Gai Plin's Soothing Sash
5040Waist Leather
Gravity Spiral
5040Head Cloth
Greenskin's Waterlogged Wristcuffs
5040Wrists Leather
Heart of the Void
5040Chest Cloth
Heathcliff's Immortality
5040Finger Finger
Helbrine, Rope of the Mist Marauder
5040Waist Mail
Hidden Master's Forbidden Touch
5040Hands Leather
Hood of Eternal Disdain
5040Head Cloth
Ice Time
5040Shoulders Cloth
Ilterendi, Crown Jewel of Silvermoon
5040Finger Finger
Impeccable Fel Essence
5040Finger Finger
Inner Hallation
5040Shoulders Cloth
Insignia of Ravenholdt
5040Finger Finger
Insignia of the Grand Army
5040Finger Finger
Intact Nazjatar Molting
5040Waist Mail
Jewel of the Lost Abbey
5040Finger Finger
Justice Gaze
5040Head Plate