The toy "Earpieces of Tranquil Focus" now costs 1 copper (was 50 gold).
Developers’ notes: This toy eliminates many musical and vocal projections of characters around the player. This toy can be purchased from Craggle Wobbletop in Stormwind, Blax Bottlerocket in Orgimmar, Jepetto Joybuzz or his clockwork assistant in Dalaran (either), and Kazbala in Talador.
This item only drops for characters with the Blacksmithing profession. It begins a small quest chain that ends with rewarding the blacksmith recipe, Plans: Darkspear.
Although the quest text implies a titled or named mob, the quest item may drop from any of the naga in the sub-zone. Do not waste your time fighting elites.
Although the quest text implies a titled or named mob, the quest item may drop from any of the naga in the sub-zone. Do not waste your time fighting elites.
This is lootable from creatures summoned as part of the Reclamation Rig event located on the 8.2 zone, Mechagon. Unstable Isotopes may only be acquired from the creatures that are part of the event, so equip the shirt as soon as you loot it. A single charge requires 100x Unstable Isotopes and grants a decent buff to the player upon use. The cool-down is 24 hours, so it will be five days at minimum before you will have your pet. The pet is cageable and may be stored, traded, or listed for sale. The shirt can be looted more than once per character, so, if you are willing to put in the time investment, then you can acquire the pet multiple times.
If you are on the quest Bloodgazer Team Rumble using this pet battle, it is going to take some favorable RNG.
Do not forget to have your Bloodgazer Hatchling summoned first before beginning the pet battle.
I finally hit upon a winning team:
Direhorn Runt (H/P); 1, 2, 2
Bloodgazer Hatchling (P/S); 2, 1, 1
Bucktooth Flapper (B/B, only breed I had sadly); 1, 1, 1. Definitely not the optimal third pet.
Use Direhorn Runt's abilities in this order: Trihorn Charge, Trihorn Shield, pass, Trihorn Charge, Stampede, Trihorn Charge and then probably die.
Choose Bucktooth Flapper: Screech and Tail Slap. Just try to eek out some more damage before it dies.
Finally, Bloodgazer Hatchling is up. Use Predatory Strike, then Savage Talon until hopefully Vinu dies and leaves the hatchling with a chunk of health. From here, just try to be smart with your abilities and hope RNG is on your side.
The respawn timer is about half an hour. The toy Ghostly Iron Buccaneer's Hat is not a guaranteed drop. Also, the rare mob's loot is on a daily lockout.
Hotfix 2023-05-05:
Triggered when your character chooses to tell Nathanos Blightcaller that you will not kill Sira Moonwarden (Where Hope Dies).
This item only drops for characters with the Blacksmithing profession. It begins a small quest chain that ends with rewarding the blacksmith recipe, Plans: Darkspear.
Just a novelty item.
Contains Strange Oceanic Sediment. The cost comes to 1,831 gold. No, it is not worth it.
Although the quest text implies a titled or named mob, the quest item may drop from any of the naga in the sub-zone. Do not waste your time fighting elites.
Although the quest text implies a titled or named mob, the quest item may drop from any of the naga in the sub-zone. Do not waste your time fighting elites.
See Reinforced Cache (H) / Reinforced Cache (A).
See Irradiated Undercoat.
See also Melted Irradiated Undercoat.
This is lootable from creatures summoned as part of the Reclamation Rig event located on the 8.2 zone, Mechagon. Unstable Isotopes may only be acquired from the creatures that are part of the event, so equip the shirt as soon as you loot it. A single charge requires 100x Unstable Isotopes and grants a decent buff to the player upon use. The cool-down is 24 hours, so it will be five days at minimum before you will have your pet. The pet is cageable and may be stored, traded, or listed for sale. The shirt can be looted more than once per character, so, if you are willing to put in the time investment, then you can acquire the pet multiple times.
If you are on the quest Bloodgazer Team Rumble using this pet battle, it is going to take some favorable RNG.
Do not forget to have your Bloodgazer Hatchling summoned first before beginning the pet battle.
I finally hit upon a winning team:
Use Direhorn Runt's abilities in this order: Trihorn Charge, Trihorn Shield, pass, Trihorn Charge, Stampede, Trihorn Charge and then probably die.
Choose Bucktooth Flapper: Screech and Tail Slap. Just try to eek out some more damage before it dies.
Finally, Bloodgazer Hatchling is up. Use Predatory Strike, then Savage Talon until hopefully Vinu dies and leaves the hatchling with a chunk of health. From here, just try to be smart with your abilities and hope RNG is on your side.
The respawn timer is about half an hour. The toy Ghostly Iron Buccaneer's Hat is not a guaranteed drop. Also, the rare mob's loot is on a daily lockout.
Credit is not account-wide; you must complete the criteria on a single character.
Credit is not account-wide; you must complete the criteria on a single character.
The daily quest lockout is account-wide, not per character.