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    posted a message on Mast Effect

    You need x8 https://www.wowdb.com/items/158906-shimmerfin-flesh from the https://www.wowdb.com/npcs/135412-fatty-shimmerfin in the water to complete this quest.

    Posted in: Mast Effect
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    posted a message on Frightened Kodo

    I just picked this mount up and thought I'd post some basic observations in case that helps folks for snagging their own.


    Based on several reported spawn spots, I made sort of a small triangular loop between 45:67, 41:65, and 44:54.


    I saw him spawn at 41:65. He was a little bit smaller than I expected, not quite the size he would be as an actual mount ridden by a player. He's a friendly, green-named NPC for both Horde and Alliance and it shouldn't matter who controls the zone. I clicked him as soon as I was able to get to him so I didn't see his route but I can say that between the time I first saw him spawn and got to him to interact, he did turn back around and run in the opposite direction at least once, so his pathing doesn't seem to be an normal loop but something more scattered (and I guess appropriate for something that is called "Frightened").


    When you click him, you begin channeling "Calming." It is not an instant click and you can interrupt it so don't accidentally move! When the cast finishes, there will be an emote about him nuzzling you, and you'll get the mount in your bag. The NPC will then despawn.

    Posted in: Frightened Kodo
  • 0

    posted a message on Frightened Kodo

    I just picked this mount up and thought I'd post some basic observations in case that helps folks for snagging their own.


    Based on several reported spawn spots, I made sort of a small triangular loop between 45:67, 41:65, and 44:54.


    I saw him spawn at 41:65. He was a little bit smaller than I expected, not quite the size he would be as an actual mount ridden by a player. He's a friendly, green-named NPC for both Horde and Alliance and it shouldn't matter who controls the zone. I clicked him as soon as I was able to get to him so I didn't see his route but I can say that between the time I first saw him spawn and got to him to interact, he did turn back around and run in the opposite direction at least once, so his pathing doesn't seem to be an normal loop but something more scattered (and I guess appropriate for something that is called "Frightened").


    When you click him, you begin channeling "Calming." It is not an instant click and you can interrupt it so don't accidentally move! When the cast finishes, there will be an emote about him nuzzling you, and you'll get the mount in your bag. The NPC will then despawn.

    Posted in: Frightened Kodo
  • 0

    posted a message on Frightened Kodo

    I just picked this mount up and thought I'd post some basic observations in case that helps folks for snagging their own.


    Based on several reported spawn spots, I made sort of a small triangular loop between 45:67, 41:65, and 44:54.


    I saw him spawn at 41:65. He was a little bit smaller than I expected, not quite the size he would be as an actual mount ridden by a player. He's a friendly, green-named NPC for both Horde and Alliance and it shouldn't matter who controls the zone. I clicked him as soon as I was able to get to him so I didn't see his route but I can say that between the time I first saw him spawn and got to him to interact, he did turn back around and run in the opposite direction at least once, so his pathing doesn't seem to be an normal loop but something more scattered (and I guess appropriate for something that is called "Frightened").


    When you click him, you begin channeling "Calming." It is not an instant click and you can interrupt it so don't accidentally move! When the cast finishes, there will be an emote about him nuzzling you, and you'll get the mount in your bag. The NPC will then despawn.

    Posted in: Frightened Kodo
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    posted a message on Magnaron Heart

    I'm unsure if the item was intentionally broken in later expansions, but when I try to use this item now I receive an error message that I am already at the resource cap, even though I am not.

    Posted in: Magnaron Heart
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    posted a message on You've Never Seen Jammer Upset

    Bringing a leveling pet isn't worth it because the xp is so meager, but you can duo this guy with any combination of Ikky, Mechanical Pandaren Dragon, or Unborn Valkyr.

    Posted in: You've Never Seen Jammer Upset
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    posted a message on Loa Your Standards

    Currently, whenever you mess with an idol, its the closest raptari that gets angered... so if you keep the first one alive and just pull it around to each of the totems, you'll only have to fight one and it will just keep getting re-angry (but not healing or anything) instead of a bunch.


    Edit: This has been fixed.

    Posted in: Loa Your Standards
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    posted a message on Squall

    The map world quest location for this guy is wrong.  He's actually in Twin Rivers at 57, 76

    Posted in: Squall
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    posted a message on Lozu

    Beat with a carry pet using a Jade Owl and a Faerie Dragon.


    Opened with Lift Off, then Slicing Wind until dead.  On the Dragon I used Moonfire and then just spammed Arcane Blast.   It's very important that on his third pet you save Life Exchange for round 2 (or 3 if you can swing it), as the guy will immediately cocoon himself round 1 and you'll waste it ther.

    Posted in: Lozu
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    posted a message on Lost Sea Scroll

    These seem to be an occasional drop from Island Expeditions.


    It turns into https://www.wowdb.com/npcs/130576-brother-pike who is usually located in Brennadam in Stormsong Valley (however, he may be located in other places if you're on a quest that calls for it) and grants 250 Storm's Wake reputation.

    Posted in: Lost Sea Scroll
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    posted a message on The Chosen

    To get these achievement, you need to clear mythic https://www.wowdb.com/zones/8440-trial-of-valor without dying a single time. 


    What happens is that at the start of the instance, you will get the buff https://www.wowdb.com/spells/232301-test-of-the-chosen.  If you die at any point in the instance, you will lose the buff and fail the achievement.  If you have the buff on you still when Helya dies, you will get the achievement and title.  This is an individual achievement, so your raidmates can die as much as they want.


    As a note, you must be in the instance for the first boss in order to get the buff.  You cannot cheese it by waiting until the last boss before zoning in.  You will either get the buff when you initially zone in, or the first boss will apply it to you at pull.  If you miss either of those, you won't get the buff.

    Posted in: The Chosen
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    posted a message on Scary Ogre Face

    You need to be in Ashran in order to use this item.

    Posted in: Scary Ogre Face
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    posted a message on On Borrowed Wings

    To do this world quest, because it's not at all clear in game: Kill the https://www.wowdb.com/npcs/118024-wyrmtongue-engineer mobs around the area.  They will drop https://www.wowdb.com/items/146892-battleship-power-core.  Once you have looted three of these, you will get a quest percentage bar to fill.  You fill this by touching the green orbs around the area until they disapear.  You can do this on a mount, on foot for the orbs on the ground, or by touching the spots on the ground that shoot you up into the air and give you a slow fall.

    Posted in: On Borrowed Wings
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    posted a message on Ritual of Doom

    If you are confused like me as to how to start the ritual, once you are on the platform, cast  Ritual of Doom.  It is in the general tab of your spellbook.  That will summon an interact-able item that you and the other two warlocks will need to click to get the demon to appear.

    Posted in: Ritual of Doom
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    posted a message on Na'zak the Fiend

    He's in the Falanaar Ruins, not on the surface.  Use the back tunnel entrance to get to him.

    Posted in: Na'zak the Fiend
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