Sand Scarab

Sand Scarab |
Battle Pet |
Trading Card Game: Tomb of the Forgotten
“Easily mistaken for a common beetle, the sting of a sand scarab will quickly clear up the misconception should you be unlucky enough to be stung by one.”
This battle pet/companion is found in the "Tomb of the Forgotten." TCG set. If you buy the epic collection box of this set the card is supposed to be guaranteed to be in there. To obtain it you must go to the WoW Promotion page which gives you a redeemable in game code for Landro Longshot found in booty bay. It is unfortunately the same model as the Zul'farrak dungeon beetle. However the flavor text for the card "Easily mistaken for a common beetle, the sting of a sand scarab will quickly clear up the misconception should you be unlucky enough to be stung by one." makes it seem like these are some dangerous bugs. This companion can be caged and sold on the AH.