Should be rather simple to solo in decent or even low-end gear for all classes, but you must interrupt or CC them when they start to heal because it heals for a ridiculous amount.
However, you still need to be quite careful of where you are fighting because there are elite dinosaurs EVERYWHERE and getting multiple adds will result in your death no questions asked. If it is just a pair of Dinomancers and nothing else though, you can handle them but it will require cooldowns or better gear.
These mobs drop all four of the new Zandalari pets and the new Hunter tome for taming the island's Direhorns.
Should be rather simple to solo in decent or even low-end gear for all classes, but you must interrupt or CC them when they start to heal because it heals for a ridiculous amount.
However, you still need to be quite careful of where you are fighting because there are elite dinosaurs EVERYWHERE and getting multiple adds will result in your death no questions asked. If it is just a pair of Dinomancers and nothing else though, you can handle them but it will require cooldowns or better gear.
These mobs drop all four of the new Zandalari pets and the new Hunter tome for taming the island's Direhorns.