Growing the Farm I: A Little Problem
Gather 6 Spideroot for Gai Lan.
So you need to whack some wily weeds?
No problem, neighbor! Only thing is, I'm running low on weed killer.
I make my own concoction - very potent, totally organic and good for the earth. Plants love it! Well... except for those pesky weeds. They hate the stuff!
If you bring me some Spideroot from the terraces just west of us, I'll make a fresh batch and go down to Yoon's farm myself.
I would gather some myself but... well... I hate spiders. You'll see what I mean.
Completing this quest will cast
Growing the Farm on your character. The spell is a buff on the character, so the timer doesn't count down while the character is logged out. You will have to find something to do while you wait the 15 minutes.