Chain Heal

Chain Heal

Shaman - Restoration Spec
5.59999990463257% of Base Mana / 15% of Base Mana40 yd range
2.5 sec cast
Requires Shaman (Restoration)

Heals the friendly target for [ 231% of Spell Power ], then jumps up to 15 yards to heal the 3 most injured nearby allies. Healing is reduced by 30% with each jump.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameChain Heal
SchoolsNatureDamage TypeMagic
Global Cooldown1.5 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
ClassShamanSkill LineShaman
Effect #1


Jumps up to 4 nearby targets (each jump reduces the damage by 30.0000011920929%)

Effect #2


Value: 30

Effect #3


Value: 15