Shield Charge

Shield Charge

Unlimited range

Charges in the direction of a distant target, inflicting Physical damage and knocking back all enemies within his path. This damage increases based on the distance traveled.

Upon reaching the end of the path, he slams his shield into the ground, inflicting Physical damage to enemies within 10 yards, knocking them back.


Shield Charge

Inflicts Physical damage.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameShield Charge
SchoolsPhysicalDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Can be cast while mounted
  • Allow while sitting
  • Can be cast while stealthed
  • Can be cast while stunned
  • Can be cast while feared
  • Can be cast while confused
Effect #1

School Damage (Physical)

Mechanic: infected

Damage: 14

Damage: 5 (Looking For Raid)

Damage: 10 (Normal Raid)

Damage: 14 (Heroic Raid)

Damage: 18 (Mythic Raid)

Effect #2

Trigger Spell