Arcane Shot

Arcane Shot

Hunter - Marksmanship Spec
40 Focus40 yd range
Requires Ranged Weapon
Requires Hunter (Marksmanship)

A quick shot that causes (200% of weapon damage) Arcane damage.

Lethal Shots:
A quick shot that causes (200% of weapon damage) Arcane damage.

Arcane Shot has a 30% chance to reduce the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 5.0 sec.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameArcane Shot
SchoolsArcaneDamage TypeRanged
Global Cooldown1.5 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
ClassHunterSkill LineHunter
  • Starts auto-attack
  • Doesn't reset auto-attack timer
Effect #1

School Damage (Arcane)

Effect #2

Weapon Damage

Amount: +200%