

Rogue - Subtlety Spec
25 EnergyMelee range
Requires Melee Weapon
Requires Rogue (Subtlety)

Finishing move that infects the target with shadowy energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by 15%. Lasts longer per combo point.
1 point : [ 33.6% of Attack Power + 33.6% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 8 sec
2 points: [ 42% of Attack Power + 42% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 10 sec
3 points: [ 50.5% of Attack Power + 50.5% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 12 sec
4 points: [ 58.9% of Attack Power + 58.9% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 14 sec
5 points: [ 67.3% of Attack Power + 67.3% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 16 sec

You deal 15% increased damage to enemies afflicted by your Nightblade.

Deeper Stratagem:
Finishing move that infects the target with shadowy energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by 15%. Lasts longer per combo point.
1 point : [ 33.6% of Attack Power + 33.6% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 8 sec
2 points: [ 42% of Attack Power + 42% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 10 sec
3 points: [ 50.5% of Attack Power + 50.5% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 12 sec
4 points: [ 58.9% of Attack Power + 58.9% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 14 sec
5 points: [ 67.3% of Attack Power + 67.3% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 16 sec
6 points: [ 75.7% of Attack Power + 75.7% of Off-hand Attack Power ] over 18 sec

You deal 15% increased damage to enemies afflicted by your Nightblade.



Suffering [ 12.61% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 2 sec.
Healing effects reduced by 15%.
Taking 15% increased damage from the Rogue.

6 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
SchoolsShadowDamage TypeMelee
Global Cooldown1 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
Proc Chance100%
Procs when
  • Player takes auto attack (white) melee damage
  • Player takes special (yellow) melee damage
  • Player takes auto attack (white) ranged damage (with a bow, etc)
  • Player takes special (yellow) ranged damage (with a bow, etc)
  • Player receives a harmful spell
  • Starts auto-attack
Effect #1

Periodic Damage

Effect #2


Mechanic: bleeding

Value: 1

Effect #3

Trigger Spell

Effect #4

Trigger Spell

Effect #5

Trigger Spell

Effect #6

Mod All Damage Done % by Caster

Amount: +15%

Affected Spells

 Backstab Coup de Grace Death from Above Eviscerate Gloomblade Improved Backstab Secret Technique Shadowed Finishers Shadowstrike Shuriken Toss
Effect #7

Mod Healing Taken

Amount: -15%