Focused Gaze

Focused Gaze

100 yd range

Ursoc focuses his gaze upon a player, charging them after 6 sec and striking them with Trampling Slam. Upon reaching his destination, Ursoc strikes all players with Barreling Impact.


Focused Gaze

Ursoc has his eyes on you for a massive charge!

6 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameFocused Gaze
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Cannot be avoided
  • Can be cast while dead
  • Can be cast while mounted
  • Allow while sitting
  • Disregards immunity effects
  • Can be cast while stealthed
  • Can't be reflected
  • Generates no threat
  • Doesn't require line of sight
  • Does not engage target
  • Cannot miss
  • Persists through death
  • Can be cast while stunned
  • Can be cast while feared
  • Can be cast while confused
Effect #1

Periodically trigger spell (Every 6 sec)

Effect #2

Screen Effect