Symbols of Death

Symbols of Death

35 Energy
Instant30 sec recharge
Requires Rogue (Subtlety)
1 charge
Requires Stealth

Invoke ancient symbols of power, generating 40 Energy and increasing damage done by 10% for 10 sec.


Symbols of Death

Damage done increased by 10%.

10 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameSymbols of Death
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Can be cast while stealthed
  • Generates no threat
Effect #1

Increase Damage/Healing

Amount: +10%

Affected Spells

 Amplifying Poison Audacity Black Powder Blade Rush Caustic Spatter Clear the Witnesses Corrupt the Blood Coup de Grace Crimson Tempest Deadly Poison Deadly Poison Death from Above Deathmark Deathstalker's Mark Echoing Reprimand Eviscerate Fatal Intent Fateful Ending Flagellation Garrote Gloomblade Goremaw's Bite Goremaw's Bite Hand of Fate Hunt Them Down Instant Poison Internal Bleeding Killing Spree Kingsbane Main Gauche Mind-Numbing Poison Poison Bomb Precision Shot Replicating Shadows Rupture Secret Technique Sepsis Serrated Bone Spike Serrated Bone Spikes Shadowed Finishers Shiv Shuriken Storm System Shock Terrifying Pace Unseen Blade
Effect #2

Periodically give power

Amount: 1022every 5 sec

Affected Spells

 Amplifying Poison Audacity Black Powder Blade Rush Caustic Spatter Clear the Witnesses Corrupt the Blood Coup de Grace Crimson Tempest Deadly Poison Deadly Poison Death from Above Deathmark Deathstalker's Mark Echoing Reprimand Eviscerate Fatal Intent Fateful Ending Flagellation Garrote Gloomblade Goremaw's Bite Goremaw's Bite Hand of Fate Hunt Them Down Instant Poison Internal Bleeding Killing Spree Kingsbane Main Gauche Mind-Numbing Poison Poison Bomb Precision Shot Replicating Shadows Rupture Secret Technique Sepsis Serrated Bone Spike Serrated Bone Spikes Shadowed Finishers Shiv Shuriken Storm System Shock Terrifying Pace Unseen Blade
Effect #3

Trigger Spell

Value: 10

Effect #4

Mod Crit Chance % - All

Effect #5

Decrease Attack Speed

Effect #6

Give Power

Amount: 40Energy