Secret Technique

Secret Technique

30 EnergyMelee range
Instant60 sec cooldown
Requires Daggers
Requires Rogue (Subtlety)
Requires level 50

Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets.
1 point : [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage
2 points: [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage
3 points: [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage
4 points: [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage
5 points: [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage

Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend.

Deeper Stratagem:
Finishing move that creates shadow clones of yourself. You and your shadow clones each perform a piercing attack on all enemies near your target, dealing Physical damage to the primary target and reduced damage to other targets.
1 point : [ 60% of Attack Power ] total damage
2 points: [ 120% of Attack Power ] total damage
3 points: [ 180% of Attack Power ] total damage
4 points: [ 240% of Attack Power ] total damage
5 points: [ 300% of Attack Power ] total damage
6 points: [ 360% of Attack Power ] total damage

Cooldown is reduced by 1 sec for every combo point you spend.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameSecret Technique
SchoolsPhysicalDamage TypeMelee
Level50Level Range0 - 0
Global Cooldown1 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
  • Buff cannot be canceled
  • Starts auto-attack
Effect #1


Effect #2


Value: 2

Effect #3


Value: 50

Effect #4


Value: 3

Effect #5


Value: 1

Effect #6


Value: 6