Glowing Blood

Glowing Blood

30 yd range
2 sec cast

Reduces an enemy's armor by 10 for 60 sec. While affected, the target cannot use stealth or invisibility.


Glowing Blood


Cannot use stealth or invisibility.
Chance to dodge reduced by 20%.
Agility increased by 10%.

60 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameGlowing Blood
SchoolsNatureDamage TypeMagic
Level0Level Range0 - 49
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
Dispel TypeMagic
  • Dispels buffs on mechanic immunity
  • Disregards school immunities
Effect #1

Mod Damage Taken (Physical)

Amount: -10%

Effect #2

Mod Dodge

Amount: -20%

Effect #3

Mod Stat (Agility)

Amount: +10%