Shield of the Righteous

Shield of the Righteous

Paladin - Protection Spec
3 Holy PowerMelee range
Instant1 sec cooldown
Requires Shield
Requires Paladin (Protection)

Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 51% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 160% of Strength ] for 4.5 sec.

Inner Light:
Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 51% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 160% of Intellect ] for 4.5 sec.

When Shield of the Righteous expires, gain 10% block chance and deal [ 22.73% of Attack Power ] Holy damage to all attackers for 4 sec.

Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing [ 51% of Attack Power ] Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by [ 160% of Intellect ] for 4.5 sec.

Shield of the Righteous increases your Strength and Stamina by 2% for 10 sec, stacking up to 3.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameShield of the Righteous
SchoolsHolyDamage TypeMelee
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
ClassPaladinSkill LinePaladin
  • Starts auto-attack
Effect #1

School Damage (Holy)

Radius: 6 yard(s)

Effect #2

Trigger Spell with Value

Value: 2

Effect #3

Trigger Spell with Value

Value: 2