Shadow Word: Pain

Shadow Word: Pain

1.79999995231628% of Base Mana / 0.300000011920929% of Base Mana / 2% of Base Mana40 yd range
Requires Priest (Discipline, Shadow)
Can be cast in Shadowform

A word of darkness that causes [ 12.92% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage instantly, and an additional [ 76.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec.

A word of darkness that causes [ 12.92% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage instantly, and an additional [ 76.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec.

Generates 3 Insanity.

Twilight Equilibrium:
A word of darkness that causes [ 14.9% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage instantly, and an additional [ 88.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 16 sec.


Shadow Word: Pain


Suffering [ 9.59% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 2 sec.

16 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameShadow Word: Pain
SchoolsShadowDamage TypeMagic
Global Cooldown1.5 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
Dispel TypeMagicClassPriest
Skill LinePriest
Effect #1

School Damage (Shadow)

Effect #2

Periodic Damage

Effect #3

Give Power

Amount: 300Insanity

Effect #4

ModIgnoreTargetResist (127)