Brewfest | Annual |
Starts in 8 months | Duration: 16 days |
First celebrated by the dwarves, Brewfest now holds appeal among all the races of Azeroth! Visit the Alliance camp outside Ironforge, or the Horde camp outside Orgrimmar, and join the party!
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Brewfest is Azeroth's version of the real-life Oktoberfest that is celebrated in Germany. The very first Brewfest took place in 2007. Every year or two (or three...), a new commemorative Brewfest stein is introduced for that year/those years.
One of the best reasons to participate in Brewfest - besides the beer, pets, chances for mounts, and (relatively) easy epics - is the tapping of the keg which occurs at 6:15 AM and 6:15 PM Pacific (GMT-8). Vol'jin and High Tinker Mekkatorque tap the keg at the Orgrimmar and Ironforge Brewfest grounds, respectively. Players who attend the ceremony receive Brewfest Enthusiast, which increases experience from slaying monsters by 10% for two hours. (The buff's timer does not count down while the character is logged out and it persists through death.)
There's also the Swift Brewfest Ram and Great Brewfest Kodo to consider, too. ;)
(Note: It is possible to loot both mounts from a single Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest but the chances of that occurring are extremely low.)
For a thorough guide to the world event, read Icy-Vein's guide.