Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air | Annual |
Active (Ends in 2 days) | Duration: 14 days |
Something is in the air in the major cities of Azeroth. Artisans have come together to put on the Gala of Gifts, where townsfolk can get tokens of kindness and affection for their loved ones.
The official Blizzard Entertainment blog entry for 2014's Love is in the Air holiday event is here.
For LiitA in Warlords of Draenor, a new achievement has been added and all the necklaces that drop from the holiday boss now have a use effect. See
It Might Just Save Your Life.
It was definitely amusing to discover that the necklaces I had saved from prior years had a use effect -- and I got to do it before most other players. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Love in the Air is the WoW version of Valentine's Day.
Most of the holiday activities are completed around your faction's capital city. The currency of this holiday are Love Tokens which can be used to purchase various items needed to work on the Valentines meta achievement towards What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been, as well as miscellaneous fun and vanity items and the Swift Lovebird mount. Completing all the achievements needed for the holiday's meta, Fool For Love, will reward the title [name] "the Love Fool."
In addition to doing dailies and killing the holiday boss, you can earn Love Tokens by farming Lovely Charms from mobs out in the world. You can turn every ten Lovely Charms into a Lovely Charm Bracelet which trades in for Love Tokens at a 1:1 conversion rate.
The holiday boss is a trio of three undead mobs collectively called the Crown Chemical Co. Apothecaries. They are located in the courtyard of Shadowfang Keep and are only accessible through the Looking for Dungeon tool. Once a day defeating the boss will reward a Heart-Shaped Box which can contain several fun items including an ultra rare Big Love Rocket mount and Toxic Wasteling pet and additional Love Tokens. While subsequent kills that day will not drop reward a Heart-Shaped Box, the boss also drops necklaces every kill. There is no limit to number of tries a day, meaning you can kill them continuously until you get your desired neck piece. Beating this encounter also rewards the achievement Tough Love.
Prior to the 2011 revamp of the holiday, Love is in the Air was basically a faction contest. It involved players obtaining Gift Collections from their respective faction cities in order to create an
Alliance Gift Collection or a
Horde Gift Collection. These collections would be turned in to whichever faction leader the player preferred, and an overall faction tally for the realm would be displayed in the top center of the screen.
Other than the short (and inconvenient) story that ended with the player getting to choose a dress, the companion pet
Peddlefeet, and
Lovely Black Dress... The holiday was something only to be celebrated by collectors and PvP gankers. In 2010, it was pretty undeniable that a lot of players didn't care about the faction tally (which was purely for bragging rights). And with the Cataclysm expansion, Blizzard viewed it as an opportune time to overhaul the holiday.
Inconvenient, she says... I rather liked that quest because I got to travel around and find a way to get to where the turn-in NPC was standing. /sadface
Still, the re-vamp gave us a hilariously gaudy mount so it's not all tears. :)