Vale of Eternal Blossoms
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Vale of Eternal Blossoms Submitted by AlayeaVale of Eternal Blossoms (5.4) Submitted by Alayea
Patch 5.3:
The body of water near the Golden Pagoda has been replaced by an excavation commissioned by Garrosh Hellscream.
Sahn Tidehunter has been relocated to the waters in front of Mogu'shan Palace.
Patch 5.4:
Jewel Danio fish pools are gone, but never fear! They can now be found in the
Timeless Isle.
The waters in the Vale are all gone, replaced by sha-scarred land.
All Shao-Tien and related mobs at The Golden Stair and Whitepetal Lake are dead, with sha energy emanating from their corpses.
There are many Golden Lotus corpses where once they had a presence (except for Setting Sun Garrison).
The mantid at Autumnshade Ridge appear to be more numerous than before.