Witness the End

Witness the End

9 sec cast

Destroys the Eldritch Abomination, inflicting 60 Shadow damage to all players and increasing their damage taken from Witness the End by 500% for 8 sec.


Witness the End

Stacks up to 99 times

Damage taken from Witness the End increased by 500%.

8 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameWitness the End
SchoolsShadowDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Is debuff
  • Can't be reflected
  • Doesn't require line of sight
Effect #1

School Damage (Shadow)

Radius: 200 yard(s)

Damage: 40

Damage: 40 (Normal Raid)

Damage: 60 (Mythic Raid)

Effect #2


Radius: 200 yard(s)

Effect #3

Trigger Spell